When I was little,I was (still am) a very inquisitive child. These days Google helps me in my investigative work!
..Yes if I have my sights on you be ye male or female,a gatchyu thoroughly checked,sifted and studied!!!
Well anyway back to what I was saying:
For same reasons related to inquisitiveness,I got all the birthdates (years inclusive) of my parents,uncles,aunts,
cousins,grandparents and maybe some ancestors too!!!
So when my Mom turned 40,I was so sad! I began to watch her for signs of aging. I did NOT want her to be old.
I was so convinced that the reality of aging would dampen the energy of life and living.
Infact I remember that as my 21st birthday approached,my Mom asked me what I wanted for my campus party and I said I didn't want anything! I had not warmed up to the idea of being on the queue to 30. I was distraught. I wanted to be 18 again! I DID NOT want to be anywhere close to 30! It felt like so close to old age,atrophy and death!
Woraheck!!!. I was miserable for days leading to my 21st!
Fastforward to now.
My parents are really old now! I had long accepted the inevitability of it all. It was not easy to accept them morph from big and strong to frail and fragile.
It was hard on my physical senses. However when I look at their physical changes, I find hope that there is no fat lurking in my future.
I will likely become thinner and tinier as I get older. I can live with that!!!
Then of course when I see that the same defiant,resilient,person still rules those old bodies,I just chuckle!
This body suit is just a deceiver!!
My Dad used to be so big and strong. Now he is very fragile and almost tiny. Though the boom of that his baritone is still there. My Mom needs a little aid or sometimes a lot when walking...that's why I'm capping my sweet tooth today. Like seriously all those cookies and full cream milk and sugar might never lead me to diabetes bcz it's not in my genes but hey ho.. it's bad for the bones!! I repent of sugar in dust and ashes! wedding party guest wears look sexy
Look at me,I will be 46 by mid year! My own daughter is afraid these days that I'm getting older. She does NOT want it to happen!!
She wants me to be FOREVER YOUNG!!
My past has come to haunt me!
Funny thing is I do not care to be younger than my age! I have grown to love the aging process bcz I understand something uniquely amazing about it which I am sharing here.
I look forward to being 50 and 60 and 70 and 80. I want to get there gracefully. I am not going to get up in a frenzy killing myself with crazy workouts at no gym.
I just want to find moderation. I do not care to dress up like a sixteen year old or try to fool my body into a dress style appropriate for adolescents only so that I can convince myself that I look 26.
No way! That's silly! Age is to look and be elegant and to dress age-appropriate whatever that means to you. To me it's to keep my body respectably covered in clothes that honour and comfort my age!
I am not going to spend my older years competing with younger people. No way!! The die is cast. I am oldER!!
Rather I want to spend my older years influencing them to aspire for what is important!!!!!!
Let me tell you something we all know. It's INEVITABLE!
OLD is gonna come for his pound of flesh...but some of us are going to get such a good lawyer that OLD will be told to take his pound of flesh..just that one pound....but without a SINGLE drop of blood!!
I will tell you how that can happen.
1. Understand the realities of aging. You gonna get tired more. You can't have those sleepless nights like in yo teens,20s and 30s and not be cranky the whole entire next day!! You gotta get yo beauty sleep,eat right,find age appropriate exercise! Do a regular body overhaul like a vegan cleanse...cut off all sugar,all dairy and livestock from your diet for 28 days. Go entirely plant based like I decided on today.
2. Seize your dreams and make them happen. Get inspired by God's Word. Love Him and understand that He expects old people TO DREAM DREAMS! Not bcz you will spend your days in a recliner ASLEEP but bcz your eyes have been sharpened by time and experience to identify opportunities to flex your influence without expending waay too much physical energy/labour!
You can now build on the career stage of becoming an INFLUENCER!
However,you can influence people only when you have CONTENT (whether good or bad content...it better be the good stuff bcz God is watching and posterity will not forgive you for the bad)
The older you get,the more dreams you gotta have bcz God says:
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
I learned from my Dad that life is lived IN MOTION...you must keep moving. He is 84 this year but he still has all these goals and all these things he wants to do! He hates to sit around be-ing all aged,old and retired! He resents that!
My mom used to make fun of me and say not only do I never button my pyjama shirt right like my Dad(one half of the pyjama shirt always is longer than the other),she says I walk up mileage in the house...always busy and in motion...if I'm not wheezing past in motion...my mind is overtaken by the speed and intensity of my thoughts.!!! Well,she was right!
These days I cannot even catch up with the speed in my mental life!! I'm so greedy for time,I want more than 24hours. When I lie in bed and my body has activated sleep mode,my brain refuses to shut up..keeping me up with all these goals and great and awesome things to do and then I roll over, get up and get on my desk or I start audio recording my thoughts..then I blink 5 winks and I cannot wait for sunrise.
I admire my Dad's take on aging. Despite his present set backs,he still talks about so much more he needs to do!!
I doff my cap indeed for him bcz for me I have learned that you get to that place of arrival only when you die...then is when you ARRIVE(in heaven or in hell)!
As long as I am alive,I am on a journey!! I can never sit back and say,*Yes I have arrived!* No way!
There will always be something to conquer! Territory to take!! Something new to learn!
To be honest I resent retirement. No matter how nicely painted that word is and the vision it connotes for the intending retiree,I simply hate it! I hear it a lot these days. It reminds me of those days when civil servants retired from civil service and moved back to their villages to sit and wait to die!
Life is long people! Compared to Eternity,it is indeed a mite,David chose to coast on 70 but God said through the prophet:
There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.
My Dad always talked about retiring FROM civil service from as far back as when I was six years old ...I grew up hearing from him ,all his grandiose plans for his life after retiring from the Railways. He was going to do this and do that and do the other and to be honest he did accomplish a lot if not more than that after age 70! Imagine that!!!
I will keep working till the day I die.
As energy levels decrease with age,we migrate and upgrade to other versions of work. We cut down the physically exerting type and focus on the type that keeps the mind alive and the brain working.
So as you get older,DO NOT BE AFRAID. Relax! Be calm. Do not be soooo driven into a frenzy to have an overly taut body through unnecessary strenuous exercise...mind you over-exercise destroys the collagen in your skin and consequently causes you to be skinny no doubt but you age real fast as your skin starts to lose elasticity bcz you destroy the collagen content with all that strenuous heaving and stretching. Take an easy!!!
Strive to be healthy!
Live Holy! Do not sin against your body!
Be cool! Do not dress ridiculous. You are not 16. Get off that Teen clothes aisle even if you are a size 2!
Embrace THE truth.
Quit lying to yourself.
Goodmorning y'all..it's a happy Friday and I am so drunk on faith in my God!
Go be absoluciously awesome!!!